Dear brother and sister, if you are hungry and thirsty for spiritual things, please join me and let's learn how Allah is at work in our lives. How he loves you and values you dearly!
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Right Path Lesson 1: We learn where we came from, what we are supposed to be and why there is misery. Click here for the lesson then respond.
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Right Path Lesson 2: We learn where we stand now, where we are going and that there is hope. Click here for the lesson then respond.
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Right Path Lesson 3: We learn that Allah has provided a way out of our misery and despair. He sent a messenger to deal directly with our problems. Click here for the lesson then respond.
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Right Path Lesson 4-7: Would you like to continue the course? There are 4 more sections available! Please contact me and I will pass them to you. I would love to hear your thoughts and discussions on lessons 1-3.