Amal Al Khaleej
الأمل في الخليج
تعالوا لي يا جميع المتعبين والذين أحمالهم ثقيلة، وأنا أريحكم. احملوا نيري، وتعلموا مني لأني وديع ومتواضع القلب، فتجدوا راحة لنفوسكم. لأن نيري سهل وحملي خفيف.
عيسىا لمسيح في إنجيل متى 30-28:11
My years in the Arabian Gulf have opened my eyes to see that many times, in the richest and most developed places, there are still so many depressed people who are hopeless. I want this site to be a place where people find hope. Where they find they are loved. I want to discuss depression and hopelessness and offer you good news.
Khalilullah -
But here is the good news!!
please click LESSONS for free lessons on how to find joy
please click VIDEOS for some short videos to introduce more ideas
Please contact me if you need more guidance. I would love to hear where you are in life and finding "The Bridge"!!